Early memories of Pastime brought to mind a trip we all made to Blackboys Youth Hostel in deepest Sussex.
Shelagh and I hadn’t joined at that point but we came along and went to Brighton for the day while you were all practising. I remember one of the cars getting wheels stuck in a ditch and everybody heaving like mad [or pretending to] and we managed to rescue said vehicle.
Food was brought by everybody so it was a pretty eclectic meal and we spent the evening dancing and a good weekend was had by all.
I have other memories of travelling to various EDC AGM’s and I am sure most people have got their own highlights.
Although I can’t remember the year, you ran a workshop for people to try out historical dance and I came along with Shelagh. We were made very welcome especially as Pastime acquired another man!! Unfortunately, Shelagh just couldn’t get on with the steps although she enjoyed the dance. She was upset that she would upset me by not coming but she did her own things so it wasn’t a problem.
The dancing was always interesting and I loved the patterns although I found the steps took ages to sink in.
My favourite dance is Crudele mainly because of the music but my abiding memory is of doing Entree Coranto. Firstly at the Early Dance Festival when the music was stopped, accidentally as the lass thought we had finished, when we were halfway through and then doing it again in front of Queen Elizabeth I in the middle of deepest Essex.